Monday, February 1, 2016


This is a picture that is a part of my current rotation of wallpapers. It is very beautifully composed photograph, with the placement of the light source giving it a very surreal feeling. The light placement paired with stylistic choices creates a mostly brown color palette. The brown in the shadows and in the hair is a tertiary color, with a strong shade, making it appear very dark, almost black. Because of the shade, it is also hard to tell the color of the woman's dress, as it now appears to be of a similar, brown color. By contrast, a much warmer brown is present as the color of the table, with the lack of saturation making it look really intense. Lastly, some secondary colors also shine in the lighter shades of orange and yellow present in the drink, and closer to the light source. The light source actually tints a part of the drink a bright yellow, while the part in the shade appears brown.

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